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July 17, 2008
Urban renewal strategy review launches
Barry Cheung, Carrie Lam at a ceremony to mark Johnston Road project's completion

Successful renewal: Urban Renewal Authority Chairman Barry Cheung and Secretary for Development Carrie Lam officiate at a ceremony to mark the completion of the Johnston Road project.

The Urban Renewal Strategy review has been launched to ensure it will continue to reflect the community's values and priorities. Secretary for Development Carrie Lam said it will be conducted in the most open manner with no pre-determined agenda.


It is expected to be finished in the next two years.


A steering committee has been set up to guide and monitor the whole review process and facilitate public participation. Mrs Lam chairs the 10-member group, which includes Andrew Chan, Stephen Cheung, Ho Hei-wah, Kwan Chuk-fai, David Chris Lee, David Lung, Vincent Ng, Nora Tam, Peter Wong and Ada Wong.


Mrs Lam was speaking at a ceremony at the Pawn on Johnston Road in Wan Chai to mark the completion of the historic building's restoration and revitalisation. She said there were very noticeable changes in the public's values and aspirations with regard to heritage conservation, preservation of social networks, and building maintenance and restoration, prompting the review.


It will be done in three stages. The community will be invited to help set the agenda for the review and decide the range of topics and issues to be discussed.


"Through extensive and thorough public discussions, we hope to achieve the consensus needed to come up with a revised urban renewal strategy," Mrs Lam said.


More details about the review, activities and reports of each public-engagement stage will be available here. Road shows, public forums, focus group discussions, questionnaire surveys, interviews and advertisements in the mass media will be organised.