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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
June 26, 2008
31 building plans approved in May
Buildings Department

The Buildings Department approved 31 building plans in May - 10 on Hong Kong Island, seven in Kowloon and 14 in the New Territories.


Of the approved plans, 16 were for apartment and apartment/commercial developments, five were for commercial developments, five were for factory and industrial developments and five were for community-services developments.


It also gave consent for work to start on 19 building projects that, when completed, will provide 116,341 square metres of gross floor area for domestic use, involving 1,164 units, and 92,420 square metres of gross floor area for non-domestic use.


Notification of commencement of work for 14 building projects were also received.


The department issued 10 occupation permits - two on Hong Kong Island, two in Kowloon and six in the New Territories.


The buildings certified for occupation had 11,965 square metres of gross floor area, involving 142 units, and 20,402 square metres for non-domestic use.


Buildings cost: $600m

The declared cost of the new buildings completed in May totalled about $600 million.


The department also issued 14 demolition consents involving 14 building structures in May. It received 2,121 complaints against unauthorised building works, and issued 3,094 removal orders on unauthorised works. 


The full version of the department's monthly digest is available on its website.