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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
May 16, 2008


Disabled to get better building access

The Building (Planning) (Amendment) Regulation 2008 has been gazetted to enhance the design requirements governing the provision of facilities allowing access to and the use of buildings and their facilities by the disabled.


The amendments tie in with the revised design requirements set out in the Design Manual - Barrier Free Access 2008.


The major areas of enhancement covered in the amendment regulation include the:

* introduction of new requirements on the provision of access to an auditorium and related facilities, Braille and tactile information, tactile warning strips and tactile guide paths for different types of buildings;

* introduction of detailed requirements on the number, size and signage of parking spaces for the disabled;

* revision of door design requirements in terms of width and closing device;

* improvement of directional signage to guide the disabled;

* specification of minimum illumination levels for corridors, accessible paths, staircases and lift lobbies for the blind;

* incorporation of more detailed requirements for emergency call bells in accessible toilets; and

* the provision of assistive listening systems for the deaf.


The amendment regulation will be tabled to lawmakers May 21. It will come into operation on a day to be appointed by the Secretary for Development, and will apply to new buildings and substantial alterations or additions of existing buildings, subject to the exemptions in section 41 of the Buildings Ordinance.