Tech team: Frederick Ma and chairman of the Shenzhen side of the Steering Group on Shenzhen-Hong Kong Co-operation in Innovation & Technology Liu Yingli co-chair the second meeting of the Steering Group on Shenzhen-Hong Kong Co-operation in Innovation & Technology in Hong Kong. |
Hong Kong and Shenzhen will strengthen co-operation in radio frequency identification technology and intellectual property protection.
At the second meeting of the Steering Group on Shenzhen-Hong Kong Co-operation in Innovation & Technology today the two sides also agreed to promote technology development and transfers, co-operation in technology affecting people's daily lives, and the exchange of talent and sharing of resources.
Speaking at the meeting Secretary for Commerce & Economic Development Frederick Ma said the two jurisdictions have embarked on extensive technological co-operation in recent years.
Following the signing of a co-operation agreement on the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Innovation Circle the two Governments last May launched several co-operative measures, including launching the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Technology Co-operation Funding Scheme to jointly finance collaborative research and development projects for the first time.
After assessments of applications received the two sides supported four projects in core technologies for radio frequency identification and integrated circuits with a total funding of about $35 million.
Both sides have organised technology exchange activities and the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Productivity Foundation also came into full operation at the end of last year.
The science and technology parks of Shenzhen and Hong Kong are actively encouraging admission of research institutes and enterprises from the other side. Both places have also enhanced technological co-operation in control of infectious disease, pharmaceutical research and development, and food tests.
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