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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
February 12, 2008

Proposals invited to revitalise blue landmark


The Development Bureau is inviting non-profit making organisations to express interest in revitalising Wan Chai's Blue House Cluster.


The bureau said it wants suitable partners to preserve and revitalise the cluster under a people-based approach.


The Housing Society will help occupants who opt to move out of the cluster by providing assistance in acquiring private ownership and offering rehousing or compensation. Those who opt to stay will form an integral part of the social network preservation in the future revitalisation plan.


The revitalisation proposal must:

* accommodate the occupants who wish to stay;

* improve living conditions, including basic sanitary facilities;

* arrange interim housing within the vicinity during renovation;

* preserve and strengthen the social network; and,

* landscape, manage and utilise the vacant Government land as public open space.


Although the cluster is not formally under the Revitalising Historic Buildings Through Partnership Scheme, the bureau will provide similar financial and other support, including a one-off grant for major renovation to the historic buildings and a maximum grant of $5 million to cover the starting costs and operating deficits of the proposed social enterprise operated from the cluster.


Applicants should submit expression of interest to the bureau by March 3. Formal invitation for applications will be announced in the second half of this year.


Click here for more information. Email or call 2848 2718 for enquiries.