Outline Zoning Plans for Ma Tau Kok, Wong Nai Chung and Ho Man Tin have been amended to impose building height restrictions for a number of areas, the Town Planning Board says.
Amendments made to the approved Ma Tau Kok Outline Zoning Plan include imposing building height restrictions for a number of zones. The notes of the plan are also updated in accordance with the latest refinements to the Revised Master Schedule of Notes to Statutory Plans.
The draft Wong Nai Chung Outline Zoning Plan has been amended to incorporate building height restrictions for some areas. Other amendments include rezoning of various sites to reflect completed developments and designating the slopes surrounding Happy View Terrace as a non-building area.
Amendments made to the draft Ho Man Tin Outline Zoning Plan are imposing building height restrictions for a few areas. A site at 81 Chung Hau Street is rezoned from "Government, Institution or Community" to "Residential (Group E)" and a site at the junction of Fat Kwong Street and Chung Hau Street is rezoned from "Residential (Group A)" to " Residential (Group B)". Both sites are incorporated with plot ratio and building height restrictions.
The notes of the plan also have been updated in accordance with the latest refinements to the Revised Master Schedule of Notes to Statutory Plans.
Anyone may make written representations regarding the amendments to the secretary of the board on or before March 18. Representations made to the board will be available for public inspection.
Electronic versions of the plans are available here.