Land resumption particulars for two Urban Renewal Authority projects at Fuk Tsun and Pine Streets in Tai Kok Tsui and Mallory and Burrows Streets in Wan Chai were gazetted today.
A total of 84 interests in the two projects, 80 in Tai Kok Tsui and four in Wan Chai, will be resumed. They will revert to the Government three months after the date of the resumption notice being affixed on site.
Apart from their entitlement to statutory compensation, eligible owners of domestic properties will be offered an ex-gratia home purchase allowance or supplementary funds.
Owners and tenants affected can make statutory claims under the Lands Resumption Ordinance and, if the claims cannot be settled by agreement, may apply to the Lands Tribunal for adjudication. Any professional fees reasonably incurred for making such a claim may be reimbursed by the Government.
Commercial property occupiers are also eligible for an ex-gratia allowance in lieu of the right to make statutory claims for business loss and disturbance.
Eligible domestic occupiers will be offered rehousing or ex-gratia cash allowance in lieu of rehousing by the authority. Rehousing will be in units provided by the Housing Authority or the Housing Society.
Upon completion of resumption and clearance, the two sites with respective areas of 560 and 780 square metres will be granted to the Urban Renewal Authority at a nominal premium.