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September 25, 2007
Transport complaints, comments rise
Transport Advisory Committee

The Transport Complaints Unit received 4,943 transport complaints and suggestions in the second quarter, up 4% on the first and 1.1% on the same period last year.


Of the complaints and suggestions 75% related to public transport services, 15% to enforcement and 6% to traffic conditions.


Compared with the first quarter the number of cases on public transport services rose 2.9% to 3,707. Cases on traffic conditions and road maintenance also grew 21% and 61% to 311 and 100. Cases on illegal parking and enforcement fell 2% to 743.


Investigations into 4,522 cases were completed with 62% found to be substantiated, 4% unsubstantiated and 34% not pursuable due to lack of information.


The Government took on board 33 suggestions to improve traffic conditions.


To make transport suggestions or complaints call 2889 9999, fax 2577 1858 or email

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