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August 10, 2007


Arrangements encourage new port use
Transport Department

Cross-boundary freight companies' goods vehicles will be allowed to use the Shenzhen Bay Port without applying for additional crossing endorsement from the Guangdong authorities in advance from August 13, the Transport Department says.


The arrangements, which will apply to about 15,000 cross-boundary freight companies' goods vehicles on a trial basis, aim to encourage them to cross the boundary through the new port.


The concerned vehicles can cross the boundary through the port with their existing valid Mainland approval documents and closed-road permits issued in Hong Kong.


Guangdong Foreign Trade & Economic Co-operation Department will formally grant the endorsement for the cross-boundary freight companies to use the port when they renew their Mainland operating contracts in future.


The Transport Department will send letters to inform the existing closed-road permit holders of the detailed arrangements soon. For enquiries, call 2804 2600.


The Hong Kong and Guangdong governments will monitor the operation at the control point and will consider extending the trial arrangements to remaining cross-boundary goods vehicles if necessary.


They are also examining arrangements to extend the trial period for cross-boundary private cars to use the port. Details will be announced in due course.

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