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May 9, 2007


HK, Zhuhai appoint planning-liaison officers

The Planning Department and the Zhuhai Development & Reform Bureau have each appointed a liaison officer to facilitate the co-ordination and exchange of future planning and regional development information.


Representatives from the two parties today attended a sharing session to exchange views on strategic and comprehensive transport planning.


Both sides agreed there is a need to step up planning-information exchanges to develop a comprehensive transport system that meets their economic development needs.


They agreed an efficient, comfortable and comprehensive regional transport network will align more effectively the transport linking the east and west coastal areas of the Pearl River Delta. It will also drive socio-economic integration of the two places.


Other discussion topics

Zhuhai officials introduced the overall planning rationale and research basis of the Zhuhai 11th five-year plan as well as the planning of the regional logistics centre in the Pearl River Delta west.


They also introduced the comprehensive transport and major infrastructural development plans under the plan and the urban development plan and layout of Zhuhai Municipality.


Hong Kong officials introduced the city's planning framework and system, the views on Hong Kong's future development directions, and the planning process, methodology and future development of Hong Kong's cross-boundary transport infrastructure.

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