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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
April 27, 2007
Unified carrier licence broached
Office of the Telecommunications Authority

The Telecommunications Authority proposes the intoduction of a unified carrier licence which can authorise the provision of fixed and mobile services under the same licence.


The move would see the withdrawal of the current regulatory guidance which assumes an approach of "mobile party network pays".


On the feasibility of introducing fixed mobile number portability, the authority concluded that a market survey should first be conducted to assess consumer demand before making any further proposal on its introduction in Hong Kong.


Concluding the consultation on deregulation for fixed-mobile convergence, the authority said with a dynamic market and technological development, the distinction between fixed and mobile networks and services is becoming increasingly blurred.


Market-driven approach

Under the market-driven approach, fixed mobile convergence or the extent or pace of it in Hong Kong should be properly determined by the market.


The authority's role is to ensure that the regulatory environment is conducive to the development of new technologies, products and services. Operators should be able to respond promptly to consumer demand for fixed mobile convergence or technological advances promoting fixed mobile convergence without unnecessary regulatory constraints.


On the proposed withdrawal of the current regulatory guidance, the authority said there will be a two-year transitional period to enable operators to adapt. The deregulation may result in commercial negotiations among operators on the level of interconnection charges and payment arrangements.


However, the authority retains the statutory powers to determine on interconnection terms under section 36A of the Telecommunications Ordinance if agreement cannot be reached.