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April 11, 2007

350 Gov't premises to go wireless


To popularise wireless Internet services, as initiated in the 2007-08 Budget, the Commerce, Industry & Technology Bureau proposes installing Wi-Fi facilities in 350 popular Government premises.


In a report to the Legislative Council, the bureau will seek funding approval for $227.5 million for the financial years 2007-08 to 2009-10 to implement the programme. The funds are allocated for:

* acquiring the required installation and implementation services;

* performing site preparation;

* conducting publicity and promotion campaigns; and,

* co-ordinating and managing the implementation programme.


The programme requires a non-recurrent senior systems manager to manage and co-ordinate the implementation. The total staff cost incurred will be $1.9 million for the two-year period. It also entails nonrecurrent staff costs of $2.1 million for tendering and contract management work. This requirement will be absorbed within existing resources.


Recurrent expenditure is needed for on-going maintenance, operation and support for the Wi-Fi facilities. Full-year recurrent expenditure from 2010-11 onwards is estimated at about $19.2 million.


The Wi-Fi facilities will be installed in phases, with the first to start in November. During the first year, priority will be given to public libraries, key cultural and recreation centres, community halls, large parks, and frequently visited government offices. The implementation will take two years to complete after funds are approved.

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