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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
March 26, 2007
Pier preservation plan proposed

Queen's Pier's above-ground structure should be preserved and its components stored properly for reassembling at its current location or at another identified under the Central Reclamation Urban Design Study.


In a Legislative Council paper today, the Housing, Planning & Lands Bureau said it has identified four proposals for preserving the pier and found that only one is technically feasible, causing less delay to Central Reclamation Phase III works and milder cost implications.


The plan will cause a four-month delay to the CRIII contract, with a substantial prolongation cost. The reassembling of the pier structure would cost an extra $10 million. The overall cost estimate for this option is in the order of $50 million.


Under this proposal, the metal wares and non-structural parts will be dismantled and preserved. All major load bearing components will be substantially strengthened without change of appearance.


The Government has utilised advanced laser scanning technology to store 3D images of the pier and kept the plans.


To start the preservation works, the bureau will make a submission to Public Works Sub-committee to seek funding for the preservation of the pier in May.