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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
February 26, 2007
Graham St to become 'Old Shop St'
Urban Renewal Authority

Graham Street in Sheung Wan will be revamped into Hong Kong's first "Old Shop Street", where vintage shops will be attracted to do businesses, according to the Urban Renewal Authority's redevelopment plan.


The authority has adopted the theme Nostalgia in Vibrancy: Bringing Back Old Charms & Streetscape for the Peel-Graham Street project, which comprises three sites bounded by Gage, Cochrane and Wellington Streets and Kin Sau Lane.


With a total site area of 5,320 square metres, 37 blocks, four pre-war, involving 450 households totalling 1,120 people, will be affected.


Noting the project is sited at a busy location and is full of interesting historical features, the authority has drafted a master layout plan after two years of consultation and tabled it to the Town Planning Board.


Adaptive re-use

To recreate the architectural style and streetscape, three pre-war buildings on Graham Street will be preserved and re-used. In view of its unique architectural design, the facade of Wing Woo grocery shop will be conserved, subject to a structural engineering feasibility study.


New buildings on the street will be constructed on the architectural style of existing low-rise buildings. Other new buildings on the site will see improved air ventilation and more open space.


Other key features include the preserving of a variety of hawking activities on Graham, Peel and Gage Streets; improving pedestrian flow and facilities; providing an east-west pedestrian walkway with public open space and greening, transport and community facilities.


The authority has formed a conservation panel to explore measures to promote heritage conservation. Dialogue with local residents and the Central & Western District Council will continue.