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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
February 23, 2007


New rail proposals under study

The Kowloon-Canton Railway's proposal on the Sha Tin to Central link and the proposed scheme under the two railway systems' merger are being scrutinised, the Environment, Transport & Works Bureau says, adding that no decision has been reached.


The proposals are being considered in light of the impact brought by infrastructure projects planned along the new rail's alignment.


To meet the community's transport needs in a more effective manner, the possibility of implementing the new rail in phases, including the option of implementing the section between Tai Wai and Hung Hom first and completing the remaining section between Hung Hom and Hong Kong Island later, will be explored.


The bureau is also studying the KCRC's proposal of an automated people-mover system in the Whampoa area and the Mass Transit Railways' proposed Kwun Tong Line extension.