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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
February 21, 2007
February 16 flight movements set new record
flight movements set new record
Bustling hub: A total of 872 flight movements were handled at the Hong Kong International Airport on February 16, setting a new daily record.

A total of 872 flight movements were handled at the Hong Kong International Airport on February 16, setting a new daily record, the Civil Aviation Department says.


It represents an increase of 11.8% compared with the daily average of 780 movements, breaking the previous single-day record of 870 flight movements on April 14 last year.


There were also 500 flight movements operating through the Hong Kong Flight Information Region on February 16, a rise of 23% compared with an average of 406 movements a day.


During the Lunar New Year holiday period, most of the extra flights were to destinations on the Mainland, and in Northeast Asia and Southeast Asia. Taipei was the most popular destination, followed by Guilin and Bangkok.


In 2006, 280,492 aircraft movements were handled at the Hong Kong International Airport and the overflight traffic hit a record of 139,714 movements. They represented annual rises of 6.4% and 11.2%.