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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
November 10, 2006
Clear Water Bay plan stresses conservation

The draft Clear Water Bay Peninsula North Outline Zoning Plan has been approved by the Chief Executive in Council.


The Town Planning Board said the plan, spanning about 498 hectares, aims to conserve the undisturbed natural environment, and avoid overtaxing the limited infrastructure in the area by confining residential and village developments to the already established districts.


About 217 hectares of land is zoned "Conservation Area" to cover the existing undisturbed woodland and natural slopes, while about 22 hectares is zoned "Coastal Protection Area" to cover a long stretch of seashore along the eastern boundary.


Another 35 hectares of land covering the slopes adjacent to developments and along roads is zoned "Green Belt" to define the limit of development and provide for roadside amenities.


Click here to see the plan.