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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
August 23, 2006
Water supply
1,714 recognised for quality plumbing maintenance
Director of Water Supplies Chan Chi-chiu
Clear flow: Director of Water Supplies Chan Chi-chiu appeals to people to pay special attention to plumbing maintenance in their buildings.

Director of Water Supplies Chan Chi-chiu urges people to pay special attention to the importance of water quality, regular maintenance and cleaning of the water-supply system in their buildings, and to be alert to the impact of water quality on public health.


He was speaking at the Fresh Water Plumbing Quality Maintenance Recognition Scheme presentation ceremony today, in which 1,714 certificates were awarded to oroperty owners, owners' corporations and property-management agents to recognise their proper maintenance of fresh water plumbing systems.


Mr Chan said the number of certificates awarded was higher than the last year's 1,448. At the end of July, more than 470,000 households were benefiting from the scheme.


Opinion survey set for August

Quality of Water Supplies Advisory Committee Chairman Prof Ho Kin-chung said the department will conduct a customer-opinion survey on the quality of water supplies in buildings at the end of August.


It will include a random telephone survey of domestic households and a questionnaire mail-out to management companies.


The questions will include customers' satisfaction and expectation of water quality, their drinking habits, suggestions on plumbing systems' maintenance and their knowledge of and opinions on the scheme.