Harbour protector: Harbour-front Enhancement Committee Chairman Professor Lee Chack-fan. |
The Harbour-front Enhancement Committee will make all its meetings public and set up task groups to examine harbour issues in the coming months, chairman Professor Lee Chack-fan says.
The decision came after the committee held its first meeting today. Members discussed in detail the committee's terms of reference and its work, and decided that the principle of sustainable development should be included.
The committee also decided to advise the Government on land use, transport and infrastructure, landscaping and other issues related to existing and new harbour-fronts and adjoining areas under the broader framework of planning, design and development.
The committee was briefed on ideas regarding the proposed Wan Chai and Southeast Kowloon developments which are under review, as well as proposals to beautify the waterfront at Sheung Wan and Hung Hom.
Professor Lee said all members are committed to protecting the harbour. He noted members may have different views, and the committee will serve as a platform for useful and effective communication.
Rational and objective discussion
Professor Lee said it is important to look into the issue in a rational and objective manner, so as to reach consensus and fulfill the public's aspirations on creating a vibrant harbour.
"In view of the wide public concern on the issue of harbour reclamation, members consider it prudent to monitor the reviews and to gauge public opinion on the proposals of both reviews throughout the review process," he added.
The committee will set up several groups to explore in detail the pros and cons of proposals relating to the harbour. Group members will consider and discuss the proposals before making any recommendation.
The committee will meet on a regular bi-monthly basis. The next meeting is scheduled for July 8 during which members will further discuss how public consultation can be improved in the planning process.
Meeting agendas and minutes and will be made available online.
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