Number One: For the fourth year in a row, Hong Kong International Airport has been voted best in the world. |
The International Air Transport Association has named Hong Kong International Airport the best in the world and given it a special recognition award for its high service levels.
HKIA scored the highest point of 4.26 on a scale of 5 of overall passenger satisfaction in the IATA survey. It also scored the highest, with 4.23 with business travellers and 4.29 with leisure travellers.
"The IATA honour is a recognition of the concerted efforts, dedication and exceedingly high standard of performance demonstrated by the entire airport community," Airport Authority Chief Executive Officer David Pang said.
"These are the qualities that make Hong Kong tick, and what we as citizens take pride in."
The IATA conducted passenger surveys before and after the SARS crisis that consistently rated highly all aspects of its services. Questionnaires administered at the gate to a sample of airport traffic considered all aspects of passengers' airport experience. The results were unbiased, representative and reliable.
The award comes on the heels of a SkyTrax poll of 4.85 million air passengers released last week which named Hong Kong's airport the best in the world, for the fourth year in a row.
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