The Government is actively pursuing a proposed development of a permanent heliport in Sheung Wan with a view to supporting the long-term development of Hong Kong's commercial helicopter services, Secretary for Economic Development & Labour Stephen Ip says.
It is conducting a study to explore the proposal's technical feasibility, and will consult the Legislative Council and the community upon the study's completion.
Responding to a query from Abraham Shek at the council's meeting today, Mr Ip said another permanent heliport is planned at the north-east corner of the Golden Bauhinia Square in Wan Chai for emergency services and law-enforcement operations.
The original plan is to have the permanent heliport, with an estimated construction cost of $23.31 million, in place in 2007. However, the Government is currently reviewing the proposed reclamation for Wan Chai North and the review includes the planned permanent heliport.
Government Flying Services is using the temporary heliport at the former Wan Chai Public Works Cargo Area since the closure of the original Central Heliport at Lung Wui Road in January.
Mr Ip expected there to be about eight flight movements per day at the temporary heliport, the same as that at Central Heliport.
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