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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
December 24, 2003
7 building plans approved in October
Buildings Department

The Buildings Department approved seven building plans in October - one on Hong Kong Island, two in Kowloon and four in the New Territories.


Five were for apartment and apartment/commercial developments and two were for community-services developments.


The department also gave consent for work to start on 29 building projects in October. On completion, they will provide 34,955 square metres of usable domestic floor area and 50,452 square metres of usable non-domestic floor area.


The department also issued 15 occupation permits - six on Hong Kong Island, four in Kowloon and five in the New Territories.


They offer 83,625 square metres of usable floor areas for domestic uses, and 19,233 square metres for non-domestic uses.


The declared cost of the new buildings completed in October totalled about $1.79 billion.


Demolition consents for 10 buildings were also issued.


The department received 1,830 complaints against unauthorised building works in October, and issued 1,453 removal orders on unauthorised works.