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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
September 21, 2003


New Chinese software available free
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A "Chinese Input Utility" software is now available for free downloading from the Digital 21 website to help open-source software users communicate in Chinese.


The software supports the international coding standard, ISO 10646, and the HK Supplementary Character Set 2001 (HKSCS 2001), which the Government has adopted as a common Chinese language interface.


The Chinese Input Utility enables Linux-based software users to input, display and print Chinese characters supported under the ISO 10646 standard and the HKSCS-2001 and supports four input methods - Changjei, Quick, Stroke Count and Unicode Internal Code. 


The software is packaged with a Chinese font that contains over 27,000 characters as defined under the ISO 10646-1:2000 standard.


Making the utility available to Linux users will meet the Government's objective of increasing the adoption of the common Chinese language interface in the wider community.


This will facilitate the development of IT products supporting the ISO 10646 standard and the HKSCS.


Further information on the common Chinese language interface is available at the Digital 21 website.