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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
May 12, 2003



Views on building management sought 


Public views on the Government's proposed amendments to the Building Management Ordinance are being sought.


The proposed amendments aim to help owners' corporations to perform their duties and exercise their powers.


They also aim to rationalise the appointment procedures of a management committee and its members, and to offer better protection to building owners.


Speaking at the opening ceremony of a Building Management Resource Centre in Sha Tin today, Secretary for Home Affairs Patrick Ho invited the public's views on the proposed amendments.


"We seek to maintain a sound legal framework for the formation and operation of owners' corporations to facilitate the management of buildings, and the Home Affairs Department will provide various supportive services, advice and training for the building owners so that they can put good building management into practice."


The Government expects to introduce a bill into the Legislative Council in 2003-04, he added.


Views and suggestions on the proposals can be sent by post to the Home Affairs Department by July 31. Submissions by fax (2147 0984) or email ( will also be accepted.


Copies of the consultation paper are available from District Offices and Building Management Resource Centres. They can also be downloaded from the department's building management website.