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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
March 11, 2010
Views sought on arts body nominations

The Home Affairs Bureau will hold two consultation sessions this month to hear views from the arts sector and the public on the logistical and publicity arrangements of the nomination of arts interests representatives for the Arts Development Council.


As the current term of office of council members will expire December 31, the bureau is launching an exercise to nominate representatives of 10 arts interests for appointment for the next term.


The 10 specified arts interests are arts administration, arts criticism, arts education, Chinese opera (Xiqu), dance, drama, film arts, literary arts, music and visual arts. Click here for the nomination exercise.


The two sessions will be held March 13 at 10.30am, and March 24 at 3.30pm, at the Museum of History, 100 Chatham Road South, Tsim Sha Tsui.


PR Concepts Asia has been appointed nomination agent for the exercise. To join the sessions or make an enquiry, call 2232 3981 or 2232 3929, or send an email.