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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
February 17, 2010
Human rights
Views sought on disabled rights report

The Labour & Welfare Bureau is seeking public views on the draft outline of Hong Kong's initial report under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.


The draft sets out the broad subject headings and individual topics that are to be covered in the initial report. Views are invited on the implementation of the convention in respect of those topics covered in the report, as well as suggestions for any additional topics to be included.


The consultation will last until March 31. The bureau and the Rehabilitation Advisory Committee will convene a public consultation session at the Duke of Windsor Social Service Building on March 12.


For enquiries call 2509 0221, send an email, or fax 2543 0486.


The Government will submit the report to the Central Government by mid 2010. The draft outline can be downloaded here.