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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
January 29, 2010
Beat drug fund applications open

Applications for the Beat Drugs Fund 2010-11 will be accepted from January 29 to March 31.


Priority consideration will be given to anti-drug projects which enhance community mobilisation and support, and preventive and parental education.


New measures or approaches in tackling psychotropic substance abuse, especially in identifying and rendering assistance to "hidden youth" with a drug abuse problem, will also be the priority areas. 


Precedence will also be given to projects which help curb the problem of cross-boundary drug abuse, projects supporting the 5th Three-year Plan on Drug Treatment & Rehabilitation Services in Hong Kong (2009-11), as well as programmes providing preventive education or intervention services to specific groups, such as young female drug abusers and new arrivals.


On the research front, studies on a supplementary drug-monitoring system will be given priority consideration.


Grants disbursed by the fund will normally not exceed $3 million. The funding period will normally not exceed two years, except for projects regarded as exceptionally innovative, in which case the maximum grant can go up to $5 million and funding duration can last up to three years.


Click here for application forms and guides. For enquiries, call 2867 2737 or 2867 2286, fax 2810 1790, or send an email.


So far, the fund has supported 464 projects involving $219 million. Of the funds approved, about $49.54 million has been granted for 78 treatment and rehabilitation projects, $130.46 million for 332 preventive education and publicity projects, $13.69 million for 17 research projects, and $25.63 million for 37 mixed-type projects.