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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
January 28, 2010
Gov't to maintain swine flu vaccine stock

The Government has no plan to sell the remaining doses of human swine flu vaccine or give them away, Secretary for Food & Health Dr York Chow says.


The Centre for Health Protection's expert group will meet today, Dr Chow said, to discuss the cases reported to have developed adverse effects after having swine flu jabs. They will make recommendations after the meeting.


Noting the vaccines stockpiled in Hong Kong will expire in October, he encouraged people of the five high-risk groups to receive the inoculation.


Speaking on the supply of nurses in public hospitals, Dr Chow said the shortage was attributable to the increase of private hospital services.


"Starting from last year, we have already increased the number of nurses in the public sector and we foresee that there will be around 1,400 nurse graduates in 2010."


The nursing shortage will be relieved as the Government will increase nurse-training and there will be more graduates in the coming years, he added.