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January 23, 2010

Ideas for Bruce Lee's house go on show

Results of Bruce Lee's Residence Ideas Competition announced
Creative ideas: Rita Lau inspects the winning entries in the ideas competition for the revamp of Bruce Lee's former house .

The results of the ideas competition for the revamp of Bruce Lee's former house have been announced and the entries are being exhibited at City Hall until February 4.


Officiating the prize-giving ceremony today was Secretary for Commerce & Economic Development Rita Lau who was impressed by the creative entries.


She said the competition, which attracted more than 140 entries from around the world, will take forward the house's restoration project, adding the Government will continue to gather information and source exhibits from various channels, including the late kung-fu star's family and friends, to make the venue a real showcase of his life.


The Tourism Commission will further discuss with the house owner, Yu Pang-lin, various issues regarding the project.


The exhibition of the competition entries will move to the Cultural Centre from February 9 to 16, then to Sha Tin Town Hall February 23 to March 6.