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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
August 27, 2009

Anti-drug trial brings encouraging results


Secretary for Home Affairs Tsang Tak-sing says he is buoyed by the success of the Wong Tai Sin anti-youth drug abuse pilot scheme and hopes the success will continue when the programme is fully implemented.


He today visited the youth clinic at Our Lady of Maryknoll Hospital dedicated to the Fresh Express programme. The hospital has voluntarily provided body checks and professional advice for youngsters participating in the anti-drug pilot scheme in Tsz Wan Shan.


"In view of the satisfactory results of the pilot scheme I hope this year's programme will again yield fruitful results and help create a drug-free environment for youngsters by bringing together the efforts of schools, voluntary agencies, the medical sector, District Councillors, community dignities as well as parents," Mr Tsang said.


The programme will further promote anti-drug messages through training courses, regular gatherings and other support activities. After training, Fresh Express ambassadors will design school-based or district-based anti-drug educational activities.


Mr Tsang later visited the Kowloon City Baptist Church Neighbourhood Elderly Centre.