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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
April 28, 2009



Tai O flood drill conducted

Drill on emergency plan for Tai O flood

Man the lifeboats: Rescuers "save" a Tai O resident in a drill testing the Government's emergency response to flooding in the fishing village.

Rescue teams conducted a drill in Tai O today to test the Government's emergency response plan to serious flooding in the fishing village.


The plan was formed after serious floods affected Tai O in September. It consists of an early flood alert, evacuation and rescue, and emergency relief for affected residents.


Islands District Officer Byron Lam said the serious flood alert system will be activated when the Hong Kong Observatory forecasts the sea level will rise in the coming hours with the approach of a tropical cyclone. The observatory will issue an alert to other departments and village representatives by SMS.


Departments then mobilise their resources for evacuation, rescue and relief efforts while village representatives disseminate information to residents to prepare for the flood and take refuge in safer locations.


The evacuation and rescue plan is triggered when the seawater level in Tai O starts causing flooding in low-lying areas. The Drainage Services Department will issue a real time flood alert via SMS if this happens.


"The Police, Fire Services Department, Civil Aid Service, social workers and village representatives will persuade residents in the low-lying areas to move and help evacuate them to temporary shelters or safer locations," Mr Lam said.


An emergency command centre will be set up to co-ordinate the evacuation, rescue and emergency relief efforts.