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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
January 14, 2009
108 farmers seek emergency relief

The Agriculture, Fisheries & Conservation Department has received 108 Emergency Relief Fund applications from farmers affected by the recent cold weather.


The department will release grants to eligible farmers as soon as possible. It reminds local crop and fish farmers and all vegetable marketing co-operative societies to take precautionary measures to better protect their crops and cultured fish.


Crops damaged by frost have been found in Ta Kwu Ling, Sheung Shui and Kwan Tei. Crop farmers can cover their farmland with polyethylene film or cotton nets to minimise damage.


Fish farmers should closely monitor the changes in water temperature and variations in feed intake of their fish, and can consider advancing the sale of their fish if necessary.


Crop farmers can call 2477 9408 or 2476 9662, mariculturists 2150 7082 and pond fish farmers 2471 9142 for enquiries, support services or assistance.