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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
December 8, 2008
Food supply

Live chicken imports to rise for winter solstice


The number of live chickens imported from the Mainland will rise to 14,000 per day in two periods ahead of the winter solstice, to meet a surge in demand for live chickens during the festive period, the Food & Health Bureau says.


The import ceiling will go from 7,000 to 14,000 chickens on a total of seven import days - from December 11 to 13, and from December 17 to 20.


The live chickens will be available at retail markets from December 12 to 14 and from December 18 to 21.


The number of imported live chickens will be scaled back to the daily import limit of 7,000 on December 21.


The bureau's decision came after considering the market situation after the end of the buyout scheme for the live poultry trade, assessing public demand for live chickens before winter solstice, and balancing the risk of avian flu.


Wholesalers should strictly adhere to the biosecurity measures implemented in Cheung Sha Wan Temporary Poultry Wholesale Market, while retailers should ensure that no live chickens are kept overnight in retail outlets.