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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
October 15, 2008


Childcare support project to be extended
Childcare support project to be extended
Happy families: The pilot Neighbourhood Support Child Care Project will be extended to all districts by March.

The Neighbourhood Support Child Care Project will be extended to all districts by March, Chief Executive Donald Tsang says.


In his 2008-09 Policy Address today, Mr Tsang said the project was launched this month on a trial basis at six locations to mobilise community organisations to provide centre-based care services for children under six years old to help needy families take better care of their children.


Women in the districts will be trained to become home-based child carers and the services' operating hours are more flexible to better meet parents' needs.


To create an environment conducive to family harmony, Mr Tsang said the Family Council is considering more ways to encourage the business community to adopt family-friendly work practices. The Government is also looking into the inclusion of the family as a factor in its policy-making process.


On enhancing protection for domestic violence victims, the Government will, in the coming year, develop batterer intervention programmes and reinforce support provided by refuge and crisis centres to women, children and those facing family crises.


The task force led by the Secretary for Justice to combat juvenile drug abuse will soon publish a report on holistic and sustainable policies and measures for the long term.


"The Government will continue to develop family-oriented and diversified support services and enhance professional support for people with disabilities or mental health problems, to cater for their needs at different stages," Mr Tsang said.