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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
October 14, 2008
275 Tai O residents offered relief
Home Affairs Department

Emergency relief has been offered to 275 Tai O residents affected by the September 24 flood, including shop and restaurant owners.


The Islands District Office has so far received 564 applications for financial assistance, with more than 60 cases submitted by shop and restaurant owners.


All applications, having regard to their nature, have been expeditiously processed under the Emergency Relief Fund and General Chinese Charities Fund. Disbursement will be completed this week.


Following enhanced efforts of the Food & Environmental Hygiene and Marine Departments in the past few weeks, health and hygiene conditions in Tai O have returned to normal.


Tai O residents wanting help on the preservation of cultural heritage can seek professional advice or technical support from the Leisure & Cultural Services Department or apply for grants through the Lord Wilson Heritage Trust here.