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September 26, 2008
Food safety
Expert group to study melamine situation
Secretary for Food & Health

Safety measure: Secretary for Food & Health Dr York Chow tells reporters he will chair an expert group studying the melamine situation.

The Chief Executive has ordered the formation of an expert group to study the melamine situation. Chaired by Secretary of Food & Health York Chow, the group comprises scientific and medical experts, and representatives from related bureaus and departments.


Dr Chow met the media today after the group's first meeting, saying one of their major tasks is to monitor the trend of Mainland children with right of abode in Hong Kong seeking treatment here. To cater to the demand the Hospital Authority will extend the opening hours of the 18 designated clinics on weekends and public holidays to 9am to 5pm until October 5.


Other tasks are to ensure the public medical system can provide sufficient services and treatment, and to assess the situation and ensure milk products and related food is examined thoroughly.


The group will investigate and offer advice on amendments to laws to deal with future sale and recall of food, and to refine the communication system with the public and the reporting system.


Three working groups have also been formed to deal with food safety, supply and control, treatment, and health services.


"We will also send our experts to the Mainland to find out the latest situation of children suffering from renal problems, and to learn about the treatment provided by Mainland experts," Dr Chow said, adding a report will be submitted to the Chief Executive within three weeks.


The Centre for Health Protection today received no new reports of renal problems related to the consumption of melamine-tainted milk products. The 18 designated clinics provided initial assessment to 1,805 patients up to 5pm, while the nine assessment centres attended to 467 patients.