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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
August 6, 2008
Volunteers showcase HK hospitality
Volunteers showcase HK hospitality
We are ready!: Liu Tat-kin (front left), Ian Lam (front right), Lee Wai-sum, Lam Pik-wah, Regina Lo, and Suk Chan are keen to showcase the city's hospitality.

About 1,800 well-trained volunteers are ready for the Olympic Equestrian Events and will show athletes, guests and visitors from all over the world the city's hospitality.


Selected from 18,000 applicants, they come from different walks of life and are responsible for various duties during the events. They will complement the work of the full- and part-time staff and provide assistance.


Suk Chan, a horse riding enthusiast, will help in the cross-country event. She said every volunteer has had training including on weekday evenings and weekend afternoons, face-to-face training and field-work training in different venues.


Lee Wai-sum, a retired police officer, is responsible for anti-doping work. Noting her professional backgroud has helped her handle her duties, she said the Equestrian Company has provided a comprehensive training package which allowed her to have the opportunity to learn from Beijing experts.


Comprehensive services

Ian Lam, who is fluent in Cantonese, Putonghua, English, German and French, provides interpretation services to athletes and supporting staff.


He said his section delivers translation services in many languages including Chinese, Russian, Spanish, Protuguese, German, French and Japanese. Services are offered through telephones and on-site assistance is also available.


Apart from gaining satisfaction from the job, Ian has met friends with different backgrounds. He said the experience has broadened his social circle.


Liu Tat-kin is in information technology and will showcase his expertise in the events. He will look after sound systems and other technical arrangements.


He particularly thanked his employer and colleagues for their support because he has to take leave to fulfill his commitment as a volunteer.


Lam Pik-wah, a teacher, is serving as an airport assistant and is responsible for receiving overseas athletes, reporters, event technicians, and other guests. She helps them complete immigration procedures in an efficient manner.


Ms Lam said many guests are impressed with volunteers' and Police officers' work because their escorting services make them feel secure.


Valuable experience

Regina Lo, a public relations staff, has been assigned to work in the protocol section. She said the job has broadened her horizon because she has the opportunity to meet many distinguished guests such as International Equestrian Federation President Princess Haya Bint Al Hussein. She must also become familiar with national flags.


The six volunteers said serving in the Olympics is a once-in-a-lifetime experience, adding it will enrich their lives and boost their patriotism.


They are confident the events will be a success and Hong Kong people will be able to showcase their capabilities in orgainsing international events.