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August 2, 2008

Family care

Babycare rooms to rise
Sandra Lee presents awards
Top designs: Permanent Secretary for Health & Food (Health) Sandra Lee presents Babycare Room Awards to winning organisations. 

Permanent Secretary for Health & Food (Health) Sandra Lee says the number of government and public premises equipped with babycare rooms will rise from 106 to 146 in 2012.


Speaking at the Babycare Room Award presentation ceremony today Ms Lee said the breastfeeding rate in Hong Kong rose from 55% for babies born in 2000 to 73% for babies born in 2007.


Breastfeeding surveys conducted in the Maternal & Child Health Centre found the same rising trend. Between the years 2000 and 2006 the percentage of babies breastfed continuously for six months rose from 14% to 23%.


Ms Lee said the Government has formulated advisory guidelines on babycare facilities and has been deploying the guidelines in designing public premises since June.


It is expected the Buildings Department will issue the guidelines for the reference of private sector after consulting the architectural industry.

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