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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
July 7, 2008


Service trade facilitation pact to be signed


The Ministry of Commerce and the Hong Kong Government will sign arrangements on helping the service trade to enter the Mainland market, particularly Guangdong province, Vice-President Xi Jinping has announced.


He said the Central Government will support measures helping Hong Kong develop its economy and improve people's livelihood.


Speaking at a welcome banquet tonight Mr Xi thanked Hong Kong people for their contributions in helping Sichuan earthquake victims and co-hosting the Beijing Olympics.


Praising the smooth conduction of the May 2 Olympic torch relay, Mr Xi said he is confident Hong Kong will make the Olympic and Paralympic Equestrian events a success.

Xi Jinping Donald Tsang and Xi Jinping
Staunch support: Vice-President Xi Jinping says the Central Government will back measures developing Hong Kong's economy. Mr Xi and Donald Tsang propose a toast at the banquet.

Encouraging development

Noting Hong Kong successfully overcame the Asian financial crisis and SARS, Mr Xi said the city's recent developments are encouraging.


Hong Kong's performance has proved the 1 Country, 2 Systems formula works and Hong Kong people can run the city.


He said the Government should continue to develop Hong Kong's economy, improve people's livelihood, promote democracy in a progressive manner, and promote social harmony.


Given the country's staunch support and co-operation between the Government and society, the city will overcome any challenges, he added.


Closer ties

Chief Executive Donald Tsang thanked Mr Xi for conveying the Central Government's support and encouragement, adding the Sichuan earthquake and the Beijing Olympics have brought Hong Kong and the country even closer.


The Hong Kong Government will soon finalise concrete plans on the reconstruction of Sichuan to help victims resume normal lives, he added.


On the Olympics, Mr Tsang said it is a top opportunity to showcase the country's strengths. Hong Kong will learn from the successful experience of the May 2 Olympic Torch Relay and will make the best preparations for the Olympic and Paralympic Equestrian events.


"Now we are honoured to have Vice-President Xi here to give his encouragement and guidance on our preparatory work. We will definitely do our best to make the events a great success, to demonstrate we are worthy of the trust bestowed upon us by our country."