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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
June 5, 2008
More tents bound for Sichuan

The Government has procured and arranged airfreight for $600,000 worth of tents to help Sichuan earthquake survivors. The tents will reach the province in batches next week.


The grant is further to a disbursement of $327.5 million made earlier for the Central Government relief headquarters, the Disaster Relief Command of Yingxiu Town in Wenchuan County, the Amity Foundation, the Red Cross and World Vision to provide emergency relief to quake victims. It takes the total value of grants for earthquake victims to $328.1 million.


The direct shipment at government-to-government level had been made possible under a special mechanism set up by the Disaster Relief Fund Advisory Committee for this major disaster.


The mechanism enables the Government to respond quickly to direct appeals for aid from the governments of the affected areas. The recipient authority will submit a report to confirm the proper use of the supplies.