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November 13, 2007
Food safety
Gov't to amend food preservatives law

The Food & Health Bureau plans to amend the Preservatives in Food Regulations by early 2008, including expanding the definitions of preservative and antioxidant; and incorporating them and their permitted levels into the regulations.


It also suggests the introduction of a food category system based on the one adopted by the international Codex Alimentarius Commission's General Standard on Food Additives.


A paper submitted to the Legco Food Safety & Environmental Hygiene Panel proposes the definition of antioxidant be expanded to cover food additives which protect foodstuffs against colour changes.


Eleven new types of permitted preservatives or antioxidants will also be added, while the permissible levels for existing individual preservatives or antioxidants may be unchanged, relaxed or tightened.


The proposals will harmonise the local legislation with international developments in terms of the regulatory framework, the types of preservatives and antioxidants regulated and the standards' levels, the bureau said.


It added the revisions will also provide the trade and consumers with more choices by allowing the use of preservatives and antioxidants that have been evaluated as safe internationally, and make the regulations more user-friendly.


The bureau proposes a two-year transition period and will issue a set of guidelines to help the trade adapt to the changes. The guidelines will provide a food-descriptor list with examples of individual food items included in each food category, in particular local food.

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* Centre for Food safety *
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