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September 15, 2007


Tin Shui Wai celebration carnival held
Collective work: A giant finger painting in honour of Hong Kong has its final touches added to by Permanent Secretary for Transport & Housing (Housing) Thomas Chan and local community members and students.

The Housing Authority today held the Finale Carnival of its Tin Shui Wai in Celebration community programme in Tin Tsz Estate.


A giant finger painting in honour of Hong Kong had its final touches added to by Permanent Secretary for Transport & Housing (Housing) Thomas Chan and over 100 local community members and students.


This collective creation, which took over two months to come into being, showcased the artistic flair of almost 300 public housing residents and Housing Department staff.


The authority has made a submission for an entry in the Guinness World Record. Mr Chan said residents should be proud of the feat and appreciate the virtue of participation and giving.

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