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July 25, 2007
Food safety
Bacteria found in 4 ice-cream products
Centre for Food Safety

All 1,100 ice-cream product samples recently tested were found to be free from pathogens, however four had bacterial levels exceeding legal limits, the Centre for Food Safety says.


The centre recently conducted two targeted food surveillance projects to assess the microbiological quality of ice-cream products and lunch boxes. Sample results were satisfactory for pathogens.


For ice-cream products, about 1,100 samples were collected from various sources including food factories, supermarkets and restaurants to test for bacteria and pathogens. All samples tested negative for pathogens.


But for bacteria, three soft ice-cream samples were found to have coliform organisms at levels ranging from 1,100 to 1,900 a gram. One of these samples and another sample were also found to have total bacterial count at 83,000 a gram and 54,000 a gram. All these levels exceeded legal limits.


Follow-up action

Total bacterial count and coliform organisms are hygiene indicators. The levels detected in these four samples are believed to be an indication of sub-optimal hygienic conditions during processing at the food premises. The centre has issued warning letters to the premises.


On lunch boxes, the centre collected 150 samples from food factories and restaurants for microbiological testing. All results were satisfactory.


In addition, the centre recently collected 10 samples of creamy sweets for tests following reports about the detection of formaldehyde in them. All samples tested negative for formaldehyde.

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