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March 24, 2007



Guard against tuberculosis: York Chow

York Chow, guests officate at a World TB Day ceremony
TB awareness: Hospital Authority Chairman Anthony Wu, Tuberculosis, Chest & Heart Diseases Association Chairman Pang Yuk-ling, Secretary for Health, Welfare & Food Dr York Chow and Director of Health Dr Lam Ping-yan open World TB Day.

The community should always be vigilant against tuberculosis, eventhough annual reported cases in Hong Kong have been maintained at around 6,000 with a stable downward trend in recent years, Secretary for Health, Welfare & Food Dr York Chow says.


Officiating at a World TB Day ceremony today, Dr Chow said continuous collaborative efforts are essential in the fight against the disease as it remains a global threat and ranks high among the world's most popular infectious diseases.


The World TB Day, set on March 24 by the World Health Organisation, aims to arouse public awareness of the importance of timely diagnosis and effective treatment for TB patients to prevent the spread of the disease.


This year, WHO reported that extensive drug-resistant TB cases (XDR-TB) were confirmed in different parts of the world and called for immediate efforts to stop the situation from worsening. 


Drug resistance

Cases are defined as XDR-TB if the bacteria are resistant to at least two main first-line anti-TB drugs and some major second-line drugs. In Hong Kong, XDR-TB cases currently account for about 0.1% of the total bacteriologically-positive TB cases - that means TB germs can be cultured from sputum samples - and the risk is regarded as relatively low.


Director of Health Dr Lam Ping-yan said the incubation period of TB can be very long and the community should be vigilant against it.


Hong Kong has adopted the Directly Observed Treatment recommended by WHO since 1970s with remarkable results.


TB patients should take medication regularly and complete the course of drug therapy under the guidance of healthcare professionals, in order to minimise the possibility of drug-resistant TB. People are encouraged to build up their resistance by adopting a healthy lifestyle and getting adequate rest and exercise. They should also adhere to a balanced diet and avoid smoking and drinking.


More information on TB is available here, or call the department Tuberculosis & Chest Service hotline 2572 6024.