Penalties against three new misdeeds of public housing residents will take effect from January 1, says the Housing Department.
The added wrongs under the points scheme for estate management enforcement are:
* causing noise nuisance (5 points)
* damaging or stealing Housing Authority property (7 points); and
* smoking or carrying a lit cigarette in enclosed common areas, including public lifts, lift lobbies, corridors and staircases, in a domestic building (5 points).
The adjustments to the scheme will be effective from tomorrow. They include penalty points for those causing foul odour from refuse inside the flats, and tenancy termination of those who throw objects from high floors, possibly hurting people.
Since its implementation in August 2003, the scheme has helped improve hygiene in public housing estates. A survey shows that tenants' satisfaction with estate cleanliness soared from 52.1% in 2003 to 68.6% in 2006.
At December 28, 5,478 households were allotted points. Of them, 183 households or 3.3% have accumulated 10 points or more, due to two or more misdeeds.
So far, eight households have accrued 16 or more penalty points with one of them surrendering the flat voluntarily. The remaining seven households were served notices-to-quit and four flats have been recovered.
The department stressed that tenancies would be terminated if 16 points were recorded within two years.