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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
September 15, 2006



Healthy eating campaign to launch

Department of Health

The EatSmart@school campaign will be launched by the Department of Health this school year to help curb student obesity, heart disease, cancer and diabetes.


The campaign was mapped out after a survey found that fostering healthy eating habits among primary school students requires the concerted efforts of school management, parents and food suppliers.


The survey, covering 9,000 students and their parents in 44 primary schools, found most students had good knowledge but only fair practice of healthy eating. Sixty per cent of school lunch recipes served one or more unhealthy food and contained less than one serving of vegetables, while 90% of snacks brought from home or sold in schools were unhealthy. Details of the survey are available on the department's Central Health Education Unit website.



The campaign will include the School "NutriAgent" Project, which will be held throughout the school year enabling parents and teachers to foster healthy eating habits among students and create a supportive environment through the spirit of home-school co-operation.


Letters have been sent to all primary schools inviting them to nominate two teachers and two parents to participate in the project. They will be trained and provided with professional advice and support to organise at least two activities promoting healthy eating in their school. An award system will be established to recognise good performers.


Other initiatives include an inter-school slogan and e-card design competition to be held in October, a popular lunch box election in November, an alliance building ceremony to highlight the contributions of key players in the campaign in January and a Fruit Day in April. The finale will be an award presentation ceremony in June to commend top achievers.