The Television & Entertainment Licensing Authority has received 812 complaints about a magazine featuring indecent photos. The case has been sent to the Obscene Articles Tribunal.
The latest issue of Easy Finder carried photos of a pop-singer changing clothes, taken without permission.
The authority said it will take the following measures to improve the control of obscene and indecent articles:
* conviction details, including the name of the publication, date of issue, brief description of the article and its classification, will be available online from September;
* members of the district councils, community organisations and professional bodies will be invited to apply as the tribunal's adjudicators to boost public participation; and,
* the public opinion survey on the Control of Obscene & Indecent Articles Ordinance, will launch in October.
Suggestions from concern groups and the public on the survey's methodology will be considered to make it more comprehensive and repesentative.
Meanwhile, discussions are ongoing with the Judiciary to invite more than two adjudicators to sit on each tribunal.
The authority will also follow up the tribunal's classification of articles. Since January, the authority has sought full hearings for three articles and a review of penalties in three cases.
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