Population check: The 2006 Population By-census will be conducted from July 15 to August 1. |
The 2006 Population By-census will be conducted from July 15 to August 1.
Commissioner for Census & Statistics Fung Hing-wang said today the census will obtain up-to-date benchmark information on the size and socio-economic characteristics of the population and its geographical distribution.
About one-tenth of all quarters in Hong Kong have been selected according to a probability sampling scheme for enumerating all households living therein. Census officers will visit the sampled households and members therein will be asked about their particulars, such as year and month of birth, marital status, educational attainment and employment details.
The department will issue letters to all sampled households on July 7 to inform them of the visiting census officer. Visits will usually be conducted from 1pm to 10pm Mondays to Saturdays, and from 10am to 10pm Sundays.
Households can make appointments for the visits using the Appointment Request Service on the Internet or by calling the census enquiry centre on 3582 3800.
During the visit, census officers will wear a green t-shirt and identify themselves with a Census Officer's Certificate of Identity. If households wish to verify the census officer's identity, they can telephone the by-census enquiry centre on 3582 3800.
Electronic questionnaires will also be available. Call the enquiry centre on 3582 3800 to register to use electronic questionnaires by July 14.
Mr Fung assured people that strict measures will be implemented to ensure confidentiality of information. He called on all sampled households to co-operate in providing accurate data. Click here for more information.