Ways to discourage patients from overstaying in hospitals will be explored, Secretary for Health, Welfare & Food Dr York Chow says, adding public resources are limited.
Dr Chow said people who stay in hospitals for longer than necessary will jeopardise other patients' need for the service. The Government is considering how to provide them, particularly social-security recipients, a disincentive to stay in hospitals and ensure they can receive the right level of care at home.
Noting most doctors and nurses do not like to persuade patients to go home and confront patients' families, Dr Chow said a committee with members from the outside will have an unbiased view and help healthcare workers make a decision.
Joint contingency exercise planned with Mainland
Turning to avian flu, Dr Chow said discussion with Mainland authorities regarding a joint exercise, particularly on drills of contingency in infectious diseases, is ongoing.
"Certainly we are looking at what is the best way to do it and how we can have an exercise that will have cross-boundary activities at the same time," he added.
He pointed out when there is a pandemic, the most important thing is to contain the situation, minimise mortality and treat patients.
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