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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
April 16, 2006
Food safety

Mainland fish importers must show documents


Importers of freshwater fish from the Mainland must provide documentary proof that their fish originate from registered fish farms and have valid health certificates when these fish are imported to Hong Kong, the Health, Welfare & Food Bureau says.


If they are unable to produce the relevant documents when landing the fish at wholesale markets, the Agriculture, Fisheries & Conservation Department will refer the case to the Food & Environmental Hygiene Department.


The latter will then hold the consignment for testing to ensure compliance with Hong Kong's public health requirements. If these products are found to contain malachite green, the consignment will be destroyed and the importers will be prosecuted.


The details of the importers, including the vessels and farms exporting freshwater fish, will also be passed on to the Mainland Authorities for follow-up action.


Agreement reached with Mainland

The bureau said that according to the agreement reached with the Mainland, only registered fish farms approved by the relevant Mainland Authorities were allowed to export freshwater fish to Hong Kong.


To ensure all registered fish farms met with Hong Kong's health requirements, the Food & Environmental Hygiene Department has, since September 2005, conducted inspections of these farms.


Meanwhile, the Customs & Excise Department will continue to stay vigilant in trying to ensure unmanifested fish does not enter Hong Kong. If the officers find any fish consignment covered by manifest suspicious, they will refer the case to the Food & Environmental Hygiene Department for follow-up action.


The Government is now working out detailed legislative proposals to regulate the safety of seafood in Hong Kong.